A real Swinger

I liked this spot when it first ran in 1965 and, seeing it again after 40-plus years, I have to marvel at the multiple audiences the spot courts simultaneously.

First of all, we start with a gal sauntering in a bikini bottom, guaranteed to appeal to youth and middle-aged men alike (each group naturally interested in swinging, though perhaps in different meanings of the word).  Then there's the guitar heavy jingle, contemporary enough for the kids, but middle-of-the-road enough for mom and dad -- and irresistibly catchy with the female singers' yeah-yeah's and their repetition of the product name.)  And just when you think the spot is just getting a little too wholesome in its depiction of modern teens, here comes the musical bridge for some jangly rock-and-roll, wild dancing and lots of cavorting on the beach (with a big "YES" as one couple is photographed getting friendly in the sand).  Then the whole thing is wrapped up with an all-ages romantic shot of a couple walking away in the surf.

Go ahead.  Play it again.  I know you want to.


Bruce Hannum said…
Ali McGraw, Cheryl Tiegs and Barry Manilow are featured in this commercial. I'll let you figure out who is who.
Craig McNamara said…
You got me, Trench. I'd say it's Ali taking the first picture; Cheryl's the blonde in sunglasses in the picture of the three girls; and Barry probably composed the jingle; but I'm guessing at all of these.

(I guess I'm not the not the resourceful gumshoe that you are!)
Bruce Hannum said…
Ali, yes.
Cheryl, behind the camera (split second in the middle).
Barry, singer (ostensibly).

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